About Us

Tushingham Arena in South Cheshire, just 3 miles north of Whitchurch, is one of the best equipped show centres in the area. We are committed to providing a safe and enjoyable venue for both you and your horse. Whether you’re entering one of our shows, hiring the arenas or attending one of our clinics, our aim is to ensure a friendly and good value for money service is enjoyed. You’ll find details of our show dates and any clinics that we offer on the Calendar page.


» Main Arena – 65m x 45m with Combi-ride Fibre/ Sand surface.
» Ken Wooster Arena – 63m x 30m with Combi-ride Fibre/Sand surface.
» Large hard standing car park providing easy access in and out of Tushingham Arena.
» Training room, cafe and toilets on site.
» Hot and Cold refreshments available at all shows.

All facilities are available to hire. Contact us for further details and rates.
Tel: 07539 891343